One of the Medium Term Goals for Habitat For Humanity is to build a "Neighborhood" complete with HOMES for those who need "A Hand-Up" (Not a Hand-out), along with a neighborhood park, a church and a County Wide Community Center, to house events for crowds of 500-1000 people.
Possible land may be available for such a venture, however this project is by no means cheap. Land alone for the project is roughly $1.6M + Building costs are on top of that. Does this mean it's impossible? Absolutely not! However, it will take alot of cooperation from the Cities, the County, the business people and the public.
Habitat For Humanity has long had a perception of being an organization that builds houses and gives them to homeless or poor people. This is not true. Habitat was formed to build simple, decent, affordable HOMES for those hard working, honest people who have just never been able to get over that "Hump" to be able to afford their OWN HOME. Single working parents, families that are just starting out, grociers, tellers, teachers, cashiers, etc MAY ACTUALLY QUALIFY for a Habitat HOME. Habitat is not a slum-lord, nor do they give houses away.
Potential "Partners" for Habitat HOMES, undergo thorough background checks, financial history requirements and have to provide a certain number of "Sweat Equity Hours" where the family actually helps build a home and help Habitat throughout the community or in the ReStore. I would personally be proud to live in a neighborhood of Habitat Partner Families!
So, knowing that Habitat chooses it's families very carefully, and helps those that need help - would the community, the businesses, and the officials support this effort?
Please Comment on our Blog Site of on our Habitat Facebook Group Site...
Thanks for your honest comments and assistance...
Ron Bishoff
Executive Director/C.O.O.
Habitat For Humanity of Jessamine County
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